Liz’s Day 2024 Grant
Our Liz’s Day Executive Committee knows how costly a cancer diagnosis can be. Thanks to the backing of our yearly fundraising event and individual contributions, we are thrilled to be able to dedicate a portion of funds to patient grants this year. A select number of grants will be awarded to individuals with a current breast cancer, or other type of cancer, diagnosis.
Program Overview
Subject to eligibility criteria, these grants are intended to provide support for various daily living expenditures. These may encompass essential needs such as rent, utilities, childcare, and elder care. Additionally, the grants may extend assistance towards oral treatment medications, home healthcare services, and essential medical equipment.
• Applications must be submitted by September 15th. Grantees will be notified prior to our Liz's Day event on Saturday, September 28th.
• Funding payments may only be made directly to the applicant.
Eligibility Criteria
• Applicants should have a current cancer diagnosis.
• Applicants may apply once per calendar year.
Instructions for Application
• Complete the application form.
• Provide a written explanation of diagnosis and intentions for the grant.
• Provide a letter from a medical provider confirming diagnosis.
Please Note: Letter must be on official letterhead and dated within one year of the submission.
• Submit completed application with appropriate documentation to: by September 15th, 2024.
• It is important to note that all grant applications will undergo a thorough review process by the Liz’s Day Executive Board.